We're living in Buenos Aires

FROM: The newest Buenos Aires residents!
We rented ourselves a very cute studio apartment in the Recoleta / Barrio Norte / Palermo part of town. We are excited to have a kitchen to cook in, a balcony to freeze on, a bidet to play with, a part-time doorman to chat with, and an abundance of shops and cafes within spitting distance. Next week, we will start to study spanish for 20 hours a week, and do volunteer work in our free time. We are also considering joining a gym, learning the tango, and Dan might take accordion lessons:) It is cold, but we are loving it. We know for sure that we will be living here until July 26th, but we might extend this if we can get any work teaching english.
Please come and visit us! This is an open invitation. We have a fold out couch that may lack privacy, but we promise to entertain. Now is the time - the exchange rate is almost 4 pesos to the dollar, which means that the average meal with drink costs under $2US. A ticket and $20 a day is all you need. Don't waste time! Start making your plans. It's on a first come, first serve basis. Sign up NOW!
If you can't make the trip you can mail the "care packages", MP3/CD's, burritos, letters, postcards from your summer vacation, Beaver mustard or anything else of interest to our new address:
Arenales xxxx
1124 CAP
Buenos Aires, Argentina
-Please keep in mind that you will have to send it soon, in order for it to get here before we leave...so don't delay!
If you can't get a package together you can always CALL us at xxxxxx. You have to dial 011 first, when you are calling from the states, (or 001?).
looking forward to seeing or hearing or getting great things from you,
Sarah and Dan
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