Monday, December 23, 2002

Ho-Ho and lots of felizs!

Feliz Navidad!
Feliz Hanukah!
Feliz Holidays!
Feliz New Year!
Feliz Jackets and all that warm stuff!

We couldn't have turkey for Thanksgiving so we are sending Spam for Christmas. We plan on having a white-sand x-mas in Arica, Chile with Sarah's Grandfather and extended Campos family. We hope that your holidays are filled with family, friends, good tunes, fat burritos, soft pillows, hot and powerful showers, fresh, clean clothes, drinkable tap water, free toilet paper, cable t.v., trays of sushi, a variety of shoes to choose from, and Beaver mustard!

We miss all these things, and you!
Peace be with you.
Daniel and Sarah


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