Takin' a bite out of the big apple

Hello everyone!
It has been a long time since I've sat down to write a catch-up email. Dan and I have been back in the U.S. for almost 2 full (very full) months. In that time, we have visited family and friends in Los Angeles, San Diego, San Francisco, Florida, New York city, and have gone on a quick taster tour of Georgia and the Carolinas.
Throughout all our adventures, we've been wrestling with the 'what should we do with our life?' questions. First off, we had no clue where we wanted to live (only knew where we didn't want to be!). Second, we didn't know what kind of jobs we'd find, or be interested in. Well, our old company, Airtreks, settled one of our problems, by offering us a great gig. They said we could have our old job as travel managers back, AND live anywhere in the U.S. we want, working out of our own home office. In light of the current economy, this was an offer we couldn't refuse. The next step was trying to decide where in our 50 states we'd want to grow some roots. The search was on... Dan's parents treated us to a whirlwind tour of the South (a fascination of mine). We spent 10 days in their motorhome, visiting Charleston, Wilmington, Raleigh -Durham, Chapel Hill, Charlotte, and Savannah. These cities are truly beautiful, and incredibly inexpensive - you can buy a beautiful, traditional, 4-bedroom home for $150,000, and rent a 2-bedroom house for less than $800 a month. These prices were very tempting, but big city excitement was still calling us. Within 24 hours of our New York arrival, we were on an apartment hunt. Manhattan prices are out of this world. Thankfully, Brooklyn, which is a little cheaper, won us over. We saw 37 apartments in 4 days, picking the cream of the crop on our final day in NYC.
Now, we are back in L.A., packing up all our belongings (a nightmare), and comparing moving companies. (So if you know of anybody driving a big ol' truck to the East Coast in a couple weeks or a reliable moving Co. LET US KNOW) We'll have a hectic few weeks in CAL, before starting out our new life on the East coast. Wish us luck.
It goes without saying - nos casa es tu casa. You are all invited to come visit - we'd love to see you;)
We don't have a new number yet, but here is our address:
xxxx Brooklyn, New York
we send our love, and hope that all is well (or as good as it can be during these horribly troubled times),
wishing for peace,
Sarah and Daniel
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