Little news from the Gambers

Dear friends and family,
It has been a looongg time since our last group email (not that anyone
missed them!). We have realized that we have been shamefully out of touch
with so many of you. In fact, I don't think we have sent out an update
since our return from our honeymoon, over one year ago.
Well, we made it to our wedding anniversary on August 7th with smiles and
satisfaction over a great first year. We've been working like crazy since
the bliss of our Africa trip, but have managed to fit in some short and
sweet domestic trips to California (of course!), Washington D.C., and New
England - New Hampshire, Maine and Vermont. We still love New York, but are
nomads at heart, so 2006 could find us just about anywhere. Suggestions are
welcome. Keep in mind that free credit at the Gamber hotel may be limited.
Our biggest news is that we are expecting a little Gamber come December
Yes, I am already over 6 months pregnant, and am probably announcing this
news to many of you on the very late side. We are ecstatic, anxious,
nervous, and impatient to meet our little bugger. The baby never lets me
forget its' presence with kicks to my ribs and bladder. I feel huge, yet
know the belly has much more expanding to do (my legs haven't swelled quite
enough, and my lower back hasn't yet reached that perfect painful arch). I
know we'll get lots of pregnancy questions, so I'll try and guess them in
advance -
- No, we do not know the sex of our baby. We want it to be one of the last
great surprises.
- We've thought of some names, but Dan wants me to stop shouting them out.
If you have some favorites that you would like to share, we are all ears,
and are really stuck on trying to find a boys name. We don't want anything
too common or traditional.
- Yes, I had a really crappy first trimester,and was convinced that
pregnancy 'sucked' based on that nauseous hell. It did get better - like
everyone said it would.
- We are going to have this baby delivered in Brooklyn, New York, at a
birthing center. I have been seeing a group of midwives, and we are going
to try and have a natural childbirth. If the pain is too much, an epidural
is an option, and I am not so stubborn as to deny one, BUT I don't want to
hear any 'I told you so's' from anybody!
I think that covers it for now. Hopefully, we will be quicker to update
ourwebsite of photos in the future, and you will be able to bore yourself
with belly shots and goo-goo baby faces. It's the same ole' place...
Much love and best wishes to all of you,
Sarah, Daniel and ?
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