Sunday, December 18, 2005

'Twas a baby in Brooklyn

'Twas 2 weeks after due date in a Brooklyn Brownstone
A stubborn little baby refused to be born

The bags were all packed and ready were we
Day after day and yet still no baby

With in-laws in town anticipating the day
The baby inside simply saying "Hey No Way!"

We tried all the tricks, advice it did flow
from spicy foods in the tummy to some crazy BIG O!!

Nothing could do it... the bugger wouldn't budge
with a deadline before us it needed a nudge

So off to the hospital on Friday we went
but not even Pitocin could induce a descent

Then overnight in the hospital with me in a chair
while our neighbors became parents we thought it unfair

But wait - Saturday morning we arose to a clatter
Induction again but this time a patter

She felt the contractions and yes there's some pain!
Was this really happening or just bad Chow Mein?

The harder it got Sarah strained on a tether
especially as they got stronger, longer and closer together.

With 9 hours passing and the dilation just slow
some drugs were in order and then a nice glow

A three hour nap and some dinner for me
When the Midwife came back the head she could see!!

Away to the bedside I flew like a flash
to await the arrival of our precious cache

When what to my wonderous eyes did appear
a black curly head, beautiful face and 2 ears

Sarah huffed and she puffed and she pushed with all strength
and low and behold out popped the whole length

and then in a twinkling the room all a whirl
we looked down to discover we now have a GIRL!!

With the whole famlily delighted with our sweet little gnome
36 hrs later mommy & bundle were home

So back up the stairs we all did a clamber
to swaddle and love our STELLA MAR GAMBER

Born Dec 18th 2005
7 lbs 15 oz
21 inches long
A cry that breaks your heart and a look that will melt it.

- from a VERY proud papa


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